Thursday, May 17, 2007

Online Dating - The Risks Involved

Although dating can be an exciting time in your life, as it infers whole new beginnings or meeting possible lifetime partners, it can also be a little bit dangerous, as you are essentially putting your trust in a stranger's hands. If you've never even met the person before, such as in a blind date or from an online source, this can be doubly true – therefore, you should take care to approach dating in the right way and be aware of the risks involved.

Online dating can be both good and bad in this respect. The good part comes from the fact that you've usually spoken to the person in length before meeting up, so you have a good idea of what they're like as a person. However, this is also the bad point, as anyone can make up an identity to hide behind online, and it can be far different from reality.

As recent US studies have shown, violent dates are on the rise, especially where younger, adolescent women are involved. With the "knowledge" that they need never see them again, many men are taking advantage of this fact and physically abusing a woman on a date, especially in the area of first dates where there is no prior history. These sad statistics also point out that unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and others, are on the increase because of these risks.

It's a sad fact, but generally, women are physically weaker than men, and this is attributed to one of the reasons why dating abuse is becoming more widespread. Although it may seem like a good idea at first, since it keeps a certain distance, online dating is one of the ways that this kind of problem is commonly used, as men can pretend to be someone they're not, and then by the time you meet them in person, it's too late. It's to this effect that local governments are recognising this fact and integrating warnings and advice into their crime fighting policies.

One of the ways that online dating has taken off so much is due to the normal heartache that is suffered from the breakdown of a "normal" offline relationship. Many people, especially women, see online dating as a worthwhile alternative – after all, they've not had any success offline so where's the harm in online dating? Yet this is exactly where the dangers can lie, due to world wise people taking advantage of emotionally vulnerable targets.

Like any kind of dating, there is always the potential of being taken for a ride, both financially and emotionally. As long as you go into it with your eyes open, and be aware that not everyone may be who they say they are, then online dating can be as satisfying and fulfilling as any other kind of dating. However, due to the anonymity of it all, you just need to exercise a little bit of extra caution.

Online Dating – The Risks Involved

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