A Secret Technique to Make Her Always Think of You
There are a lot of great techniques and lessons you can take from neuro-linguistic programming. For instance, you can use a wonderful trick called anchoring.
When you use anchoring on a woman, you take an outside object or emotion and use it to trigger a positive emotion related to you. The goal of anchoring is to take this object and find a way to get her to think of you when you're not around.
Now in order to make her think of you when you're not around, you have to link a shared memory to a positive experience shared by the two of you. Normally this memory is a fun date or a private moment that you had.
Here's a great way to implement this technique into your dating lifeā¦
The next time you're with a woman and you hear a popular song on the radio, start singing it...OFF KEY!
Now one of the principles for attraction is to establish yourself as a higher status person. But this is one of those RARE moments when acting like a slightly goofy person can actually help you. By singing a song in a memorable way you'll be acting a funny manner. Furthermore, if you get her join in you'll be having fun while singing badly.
The best part is this technique has helped you create...
When you share a currently popular song, you'll increase your chances of having her think of you when you're not around. Since music is an important part of everyone's life, she'll probably hear this song multiple times. And when she does, she'll THINK OF YOU!
By sharing a popular song together, you can have her thinking of you in a positive way. This will then flood her mind with the memory of the fun times you have with her.
Labels: attract women, build rapport, date women, dating advice, dating tips
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